Interreg ornament

Implementation documents

ERDF Subsidy Contract

This ERDF contract is the basis for the co-financing of projects in the Interreg VI-A Austria-Hungary programme. It contains the relevant legal provisions and is concluded between the Managing Authority and the Lead Partner.

The contract is available bilingually, in German and Hungarian.

Implementation Manual

The Implementation Manual serves as a resource for any challenges you may face during the process. It offers guidance throughout all phases of implementation, including information on reporting, modifications, and communication.

Brand Manual

This manual is intended to serve as a flexible resource, akin to a "toolbox", offering a range of concepts, components and potential applications. We encourage you to explore the toolbox and select the combinations of elements that best align with your current communication requirements.

Modification request form

During a project's lifetime, deviations from the approved plans can occur. Respective rules, tips and the modification procedure itself are detailed in the Implementation Manual in Chapter 4.

If a project modification is needed, use this modification request form.

Staff Data Sheet

Partners using unit costs for staff cost reimbursement must assign their staff to the functions listed in their applications, by filling in the Staff Data Sheet. After project approval, the Regional Coordinators get in touch with each project partner to help with this process and endorse the assignments recorded on the staff data sheet.

Timesheet templates

Project partners may use the time registration system of their organisations if these systems comply with the requirements laid down in the Eligibility Manual. These not-binding templates meet the requirements; thus, they can be either taken as a benchmark or shall be used directly if the organisation’s own time registration system does not comply with the requirements of the Eligibility Manual.

Priority 1
Priority 2
Priority 3
Priority 4

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