Project achievements

Evaluation document

The evaluation document was finished at the project reaches in Austria and Hungary.

Best practices summary

The best practice summary was finished at the project reaches in Austria and Hungary.

List of problems

A list of sediment related problems in river engineering has been finished at the project reaches in Austria and Hungary.

Problem analysis report

The report containing analysis of the problems in the two reaches describing common problems, differences and related processes has been finished.

Joint measurement in Gönyű

Within the work package T2 field measurements a bedload and suspended matter measurement at the Danube in Hungary was planned and carried out jointly by Austrian and Hungarian project partners on 19 and 20 June 2018.

Wave impact measurement in Bad Deutsch-Altenburg

A suitable measuring set-up was designed and tested within the scope of a wave impact measurement on 26.06.2018 in Bad Deutsch-Altenburg.

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