Programme archive
Call for tenders for software maintenance, customisation and further development of the Jems monitoring system
26-02-2024The Managing Authority is responsible, among others, for the operation of the Jems monitoring system, based on the Jems core system developed by Interact. It is therefore looking for support in software maintenance, customisation and further development of the Interreg AT-HU Jems system.
Read moreSZPO are looking for a Regional Coordinator!
23-01-2024The Széchenyi Programme Office is hiring for the position of Regional Coordinator/Info-Point in its Szombathely office.
Read moreVersion 2.0 of the project selection criteria has been released
21-12-2023The Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariat have published an updated version of the Selection Criteria. The new document is available on the Applicant Portal under the Programme Manual.
The call for small-scale projects is open
20-11-2023Sometimes great ideas do not need a big partnership, a huge budget, or a lengthy implementation period.
Read moreCall for tenders to support digital communication services
25-10-2023The Managing Authority is responsible, among others, for all communication activities of the programme. It is therefore looking for support to the communication team in setting up all cornerstones of the programme's digital communication.
Read moreThe call for standard projects is open
27-07-2023The time has come.
The call for standard projects is open and the first submission deadline is set in the Interreg VI-A Austria-Hungary Programme.
Interreg Austria-Hungary 2021-2027 officially launched!
13-07-2023Continuity, service-oriented approach, simplification. These are the keywords which can best describe our next programming period. Huge efforts have been made to reach this important milestone of the Austria-Hungary Programme.
Read moreOpening hours of the Joint Secretariat on 15.03.2023
15-03-2023The Joint Secretariat will be unavailable on 15 March 2023 due to the national holiday.
Your Joint Secretariat
Opening hours of the Joint Secretariat on 31.10.2022
31-10-2022The Joint Secretariat will be unavailable on 31 October 2022. After the long weekend, you will be able to contact us again on 02.11.2022.
Your Joint Secretariat
Naturally barrier-free! The European Year of Youth annual event of the Interreg ATHU programme
20-09-2022Dedication, attention, devotion, perseverance: these are among the many virtues that enable children with special needs to benefit from activities that can be an experience and a source of knowledge. In 2022, youth is the focus of programmes, events and special initiatives across Europe, so it was no question that the Austria-Hungarian programme, ourselves, would like to put youth at the heart of our annual event. This was particularly supported by Katalin Pénzes, our Programme's Desk Officer in the European Commission, who confirmed the Commission's commitment to youth in a live broadcast from Brussels.
Read moreMoment of joy: the new ATHU programme is adopted by EC, we are good to go!
15-09-2022We are delighted to announce the adoption of the new Austria-Hungary Interreg Programme 2021-2027 by the European Commission. As previously reported the informal feedback was positive during the whole submission and adoption process which finally led to this joyous moment of acceptance.
We submitted the final version of the 2021-2027 ATHU IP to the european commission!
23-06-2022The draft of the new Austria-Hungary Interreg Programme was submitted to the European Commission in January 2022. The previous informal feedback was positive, the few observations following first submission have been answered, and the final draft of the IP has been finalised and submitted for approval on 23rd June 2022. We expect the approval of the Interreg Programme in early autumn, 2022.
Version 2.5 of the Eligibility Manual has been published
20-06-2022The Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariat have published the updated version of the Eligibility Manual. The new document is available in the Downloads section.
#EUinmyRegion: discover the results of EU-funded projects across Austria!
10-05-2022Austria's regions have benefited from EU funding since 1995 - 110 funded projects on 9 walking and cycling routes covering almost 200 kilometres.
Read moreNew application deadline: SZPO is looking for a new colleague!
13-04-2022The Széchenyi Programme Office is hiring for the position of Regional Coordinator/Info-Point in its Szombathely office.
Read moreOpening hours of the joint secretariat 14-15.03.2022
02-03-2022The Joint Secretariat will be unavailable on 14 and 15 March 2022 due to the national holiday. After the long weekend, you will be able to contact us again on 16.03.2022.
Your Joint Secretariat
eMS update: Import List of Expenditure from Excel file
02-03-2022Thanks to the latest eMS update now invoice data is easier to handle within partner level reports. This new tool allows you to record invoice data in eMS from an Excel file, which can be a convenience for large amounts of data or in the case of data exported from an accounting system. This will reduce the likelihood of errors stemming from manual recording and reduce the preparation time of partner reports.
The manual for the tool is available under „Project Documents”.
Extended application deadline: SZPO is looking for a new colleague!
14-02-2022The Széchenyi Programme Office is hiring for the position of Regional Coordinator/Info-Point in its Szombathely office.
Read moreMission accomplished: We submitted the 2021-2027 ATHU IP to the European Commission!
17-01-2022The new Austria-Hungary Interreg Programme has been submitted on 17th January 2022 to the European Commission for approval. The informal feedback during the development phase was positive, therefore we firmly hope that the approval process will go smoothly.
Read moreSZPO are looking for a new colleague!
15-12-2021The Széchenyi Programme Office is hiring for the position of Regional Coordinator/Info-Point in its Szombathely office.
Read moreThe updated version 2.2 of the Implementation Manual is available
21-10-2021A clarification is added in section 3.3.5 related to the eligibility of expenditure that has incurred or has been paid before the actual reporting period.
Would you like to work with us?
18-10-2021The Joint Secretariat is looking for a Programme Manager in Sopron, Hungary.
Read moreInterreg ATHU experience guidebook
16-09-2021The Interreg ATHU experience guidebook is published!
Read morePublic consultation and a programming section are launched!
14-07-2021We reached another milestone in the programming period! After months of work we are able to present every part of the new Austria-Hungary Interreg Programme.
Read moreThe decisions of the 12th meeting of the Monitoring Committee
27-04-2021The 12th meeting of the Monitoring Committee was a special one: programme related discussions, project decisions, and this time project extensions were also on the agenda. The two-day meeting enabled to share useful information about the current status of our Programme, and provided space for discussion about the next programming period.
Read moreThe future is green- competition for kids
23-03-2021Being outside in the nature, explore the magic of trees, flowers, insects, birds is priceless. Our natural heritage is something which is invaluable, and irreplaceable therefore we have to protect it.
Read moreAvailability of the Joint Secretariat
10-03-2021We would like to inform you, that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, beginning with 10.03.2021 the staff of the Joint Secretariat is working in partial home office. We are furthermore available as usual via e-mail. In order to ensure continuous availability, the landline phone of the JS that is published in the “contact” section is redirected.
Read moreQuick news about the 12th monitoring committee meeting
08-03-2021The 12th Monitoring Committee meeting took place 03-04 March online. We are getting more and more familiar with the online set-up, so the MC could have a fruitful meeting with programme and project related decisions.
As we previously informed you, the new programming period is approaching, and no more ERDF-funding is available in the current programming period, therefore no new projects can be accepted. During this meeting the MC gave green light to 6 postponed and previously formally incompliant projects, and took decision about the project extensions.
Further information about approved projects and extensions are to be shared soon.
Invitation to tender for Strategic Environmental Assessment
15-02-2021As part of the programming process, the Interreg programme (IP) AT-HU 2021-2027 will undergo a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) which is subject of the tender at hand.
Read moreProgramme bodies hosted by the Széchenyi Programme Office Nonprofit LLC are unavailable on 4th December 2020
23-11-2020Please note that the Joint Secretariat, the Hungarian First Level Control and the Regional Coordinators will not be available on Friday, 4th December. You can contact us on the 7th December, 2020 again.
Invitation to Stakeholder Consultation – Your word counts!
12-11-2020The programming of the Interreg Programme Austria-Hungary for the next seven years is already underway. Based on discussions with experts four priorities divided into programme specific objectives were drafted for the Programme 2021 + AT-HU.
Read moreHow we found EU in our Region? – Naturally with our Annual Event!
12-11-2020All of us crave for happiness and freedom these days more than ever. Although it might seem to be challenging to focus on joyful moments nowadays, we in our Programme and our colleagues in Interreg Europe-wide tried their best to find the opportunity to celebrate. This is why we opted for a nature oriented Annual Event together with our flagship project PaNaNet+.
Read moreCall for project extensions
22-10-2020Approaching the end of the eligibility period, on 22.10.2020 the programme invites beneficiaries of approved/contracted projects to extend their projects with new elements. Project extensions shall be submitted as regular project modifications and their implementation shall contribute to the capitalization, enhancement, reinforcement or further development of project outputs and results.
Read moreOpening hours of the Joint Secretariat on 23rd October, 2020
22-10-2020Please note that the JS will be closed on Friday, 23rd October, 2020 (National Holiday in Hungary)! You can contact us after the long weekend on the 26th October, 2020 again.
Your Joint Secretariat
Version 2.4 of the Eligibility Manual and 2.1 of the Implementation Manual is published
21-10-2020The Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariat have published the updated version of the Eligibility Handbook, and related to the clarification about penalties, the corrected version of the Implementation Manual. You can find the new documents in the download section.
The 11th meeting of the Monitoring Committee approves 6 new projects
21-10-2020On 15th and 16th September, 2020, the 11th meeting of the Monitoring Committee took place in online form. Altogether, 14 project applications were submitted to the JS, and after completion of the compliance check and quality evaluation 12 of them were presented to the MC for decision.
Read moreThe rail track between Fertőszentmiklós and the border is renewed!
16-10-2020Multimodality and greener transport is one of our top priorities; therefore we are pleased to share the success of CrossBorder Rail!
Read moreImpact evaluation of the program
29-09-2020The second part of the evaluation of the program ended with the final report being handed in to the Monitoring Authority in May 2020. It delivered valuable pieces of information as for the progress of the program toward its objectives and particular projects. We selected for you some of the most striking outcomes.
Read moreEUinmyRegion- Naturally, you can find it!
23-09-2020This year marks the 25th anniversary of Austria’s accession to the EU. All along this quarter of a century the EU funds took shape in plenty of great projects, within and across the national borders, even in places where you would the least expect them. To bring these initiatives closer to us, citizens, the coordinated EU in my Region communication campaign puts EU funded projects into the limelight.
Read moreQuick news about the 11th Monitoring Committee meeting and upcoming deadlines
17-09-2020The 11th Monitoring Committee meeting took place 15-16 September online. Despite the unconventional setup, the MC had a fruitful meeting with programme and project related decisions.
Read moreInterreg 30: Everyone has a neighbour - artworks wanted!
17-08-2020Wherever you might be, one thing is sure: you have a neighbour. Should it be at home, at your workplace, there is always someone who you can turn to, talk to, who can lend you a helping hand. There is even more: in every connection, especially in your neighbourhood, you can always find the possibility to achieve something greater together. This thought has been defining our work in Interreg for 30 years.
Read moreNew version of the Guide for Reporting published by the Hungarian FLC
26-06-2020A new version of the Guide for Reporting and its annexes has been published for the Hungarian project partners. Based on the experiences related to procurement procedures, a new, additional Procurement Guide has been issued.
If you have any questions related to the documents published, please ask your dedicated contact person at FLC.
Second part of the programme evaluation finalised
22-06-2020The second part of the programme evaluation addresses the efficiency, effectiveness and impact of the programme and its projects. The final report is published and available under Downloads/Programme documents.
According to Article 56 (3) of Regulation (EU) No. 1303 /2013, the Monitoring Committee examined the final report. Further discussions of results and recommendations will take place at the next possible meeting of the Monitoring Committee. On this basis, adaptations of the final report can still happen.
Project submission deadline expired- Newly submitted initiatives in numbers
19-05-2020Until the 19th May 2020 deadline 14 projects were submitted to the Programme via eMS.
Altogether 43 partners (24 Austrian and 19 Hungarian) gathered in various projects – their requested ERDF totals EUR 4,626,463.65.
PANORAMA- Hungary and HIT toolkit in the spotlight
28-04-2020The European Commission released PANORAMA magazine’s latest issue, which collects news and improvements around Europe from the first quarter of 2020.
Read moreOur projects during the epidemic: Elderly can rely on project Co-AGE!
15-04-2020Chance B, one of Co-AGE project partners, very quickly designed a concept about how to support people over 65 who have an increased risk of severe disease and who may be even lonely and/or socially isolated due to the contact restrictions.
Read moreAvailability of the Managing Authority and of the Joint Secretariat
13-03-2020We would like to inform you, that due to the COVID-19 epidemic, beginning with 13.03.2020 the staff of the Managing Authority, and beginning with 16.03.2020 the staff of the Joint Secretariat are working in home office. You can contact us as usual via e-mail. The landline phones of the MA and the JS that are published in the “contact” section are redirected.
COVID-19 impact on Interreg ATHU funded projects
13-03-2020The Managing Authority released a guidance about the COVID-19 epidemic and its’ effect on eligibility of expenditure related to among others, events and business trips. The communication contains advice regarding general to-dos and don’ts, eligibility of already occurred expenditures, and further implementation of the projects.
Read moreProject-development workshop carried out
29-01-2020A workshop for potential applicants was carried out on 29th January 2020 in Szombathely (Hungary) within the framework of the Cooperation Program Interreg V-A Austria-Hungary, prior to the 8th submission deadline for applications.
Read more7th round of decision: the Monitoring Committee approves 4 new projects
13-02-2020On 10th and 11th December 2019, the 10th meeting of the Monitoring Committee took place in Röjtökmuzsaj (HU). Altogether, 10 project applications were submitted to the JS, and after completion of the compliance check and quality evaluation 8 of them were presented to the MC for decision.
Read moreNew deadline for the tender for supporting the 2021-2027 programming process
08-01-2020The Managing Authority of the Interreg Programme V-A Austria – Hungary is also responsible for the programming of the new 2021-2027 funding period. And the programming process starts with this invitation to tender.
Read moreThe next submission deadline and the date of the next Monitoring Committee meeting 2020
12-12-2019The next meetings of the MC will be held on the 06th May, 2020 and 15th and 16th September 2020, respectively.
On its 11th meeting in May, 2020 only strategic issues will be discussed, project approvals are excluded.
On its 12th meeting in September 2020 the MC is going to discuss those formally compliant applications that are submitted via eMS by 19th May, 2020 at noon, at the latest.
Invitation to tender for supporting the 2021-2027 programming process
05-12-2019The Managing Authority of the Interreg Programme V-A Austria – Hungary is also responsible for the programming of the new 2021-2027 funding period. And the programming process starts with this invitation to tender.
Read moreVersion 2.0 of the implementation manual is published
04-12-2019The Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariat have published the updated version of the Implementation Manual, which contains detailed information on project closures, minor adaptations in line with the eMS updates, and clarifies the question of deliverable dates in project reports in eMS.
Our FAQs are now available also in German and Hungarian
25-09-2019Any issue with your project? Don’t worry. You can now found the list of frequently asked questions and corresponding answers in English, German and Hungarian as a stand-alone section of this website.
Changes concerning Hungarian project partners
17-09-2019New version of certain annexes to partner reports are available
Under the menu of ’Guide for reporting and its annexes for Hungarian project partners’ the following updated templates are available: “Segédtábla a személyi költségek elszámolásához” (6) and “Nyilatkozat a jóváhagyott költségekről” (8).
Microsite training and beneficiary seminar—thank you for staying with us!
11-09-2019On 11th of September 2019 the Microsite Training and the Beneficiary Seminar gave us the opportunity to meet more than 80 beneficiaries of our Programme.
Read moreVersion 2.3 of the Eligibility Handbook is published
09-09-2019The Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariat have published the updated version of the Eligibility Handbook.
The Monitoring Committee approves new projects - Results of the 9th meeting
24-07-2019On 12th and 13th June 2019, the 9th meeting of the Monitoring Committee took place in Eisenstadt (AT). Altogether, seven project applications were submitted to the JS, and after completion of the compliance check and quality evaluation all of them were presented to the MC for decision.
Read moreNew date of the beneficiary seminar
11-09-2019The beneficiary seminar will take place in Sopron, on 11th September 2019. Project partners are kindly asked to save this new date!
Project implementation seminar and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
12-09-2019The Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariat are happy to announce that a Project implementation seminar will be held on 12th September 2019 in Sopron. We would like to share with approved projects’ lead partners and project partners some useful and practical tips and information regarding the project implementation.
After many rounds of discussion, a list of Frequently Asked Questions is finally available, that should also be a big help for project holders and partners during the project implementation. The document is to be found in the Downloads section of the website (Link: and is available in English; the German and Hungarian translation will be available shortly.
Changing of the next submission deadline and Monitoring Committee meeting
17-09-2019The next meeting of the MC will be held one week later on 10th and 11th December 2019.
Projects to be discussed by the MC on its 10th meeting in December 2019 must be submitted formally compliant via eMS until 17th September 2019 at noon.
Availability of the Joint Secretariat in June
20-06-2019Please note that on 20th-21th and 25th June, 2019 the members of the Joint Secretariat will participate on an external event. You can contact us on 24th June and from 26th June within the regular working hours.
Your Joint Secretariat
The next submission deadline and the date of the next Monitoring Committee meeting 2019
11-06-2019The next meetings of the MC will be held on the 12th and 13th June 2019 and 4th and 5th December 2019, respectively.
The projects to be proposed to the 9th MC meeting in June 2019 must be submitted via eMS until 13th March 2019 at noon.
On its 10th meeting in December 2019 the MC is going to discuss those formally compliant applications that are submitted by 11th September 2019 at noon.
Tender for the programme’s impact evaluation
07-05-2019The programme Interreg AT-HU conducts an evaluation of the efficiency, effectiveness and impact of the programme.
Read moreFirst part of the programme evaluation finalised
14-05-2019The first part of the programme evaluation addresses the programme structures and processes and the implementation of the communication strategy. The executive summary of the respective final report is published and available under Downloads/Programme documents.
EU in my region 2019: THE campaign for EU funded projects
02-05-2019Do you want to put your EU-funded project in the spotlight? #EUinmyRegion is just what you need! The campaign of the European Union gives projects a platform to present their stories and achievements and invites European citizens to learn about the use of European funding in their region and see projects at their doorstep. Take part and figure out what happens.
Read moreThe 8th monitoring committee meeting took place in Bükfürdő (HU) on the 19th and 20th February 2019
10-04-2019The focus of the agenda on the MC’s first day was on programme steering related issues. Among others, MC members received information about the activities that are foreseen on the basis of results of the programme evaluation, recently implemented by external experts. The general programme related topics were followed by presentations about up-to-date developments of running projects, such as ATHU002 (Vogelwarte Madárvárta 2), ATHU003 (PaNaNet+), ATHU016 (CrossBorder Rail), ATHU018 (City Cooperation II), as well as the road construction projects. The discussion of submitted projects and the related decision about ERDF funding has already started at the end of the first day, and was the focus topic of the second day.
Read moreOpening hours of the Joint Secretariat 15th March 2019
15-03-2019Please note that the Joint Secretariat will be closed on Friday 15th March 2019 (National Holiday in Hungary). You can contact us on after the long weekend on the 18th March 2019 again!
Your Joint Secretariat
The next submission deadline and the date of the next Monitoring Committee meeting
19-02-2019The next meetings of the MC will be held on the 19th-20th February 2019 and 12th-13th June 2019, respectively.
Those formally compliant applications that were submitted by 31st October are going to be discussed by the Monitoring Committee on the following 8th meeting in February 2019.
The projects to be proposed on the 9th Committee meeting must be submitted via eMS until 13th March 2019 12:00 AM.
Version 2.2 of the Eligibility Handbook is published
08-01-2019Based on some amended rules in the Common Provisions Regulation (EU) 1303/2013, certain details of the eligibility rules in our programme have been updated. These adaptations were approved by the Monitoring Committee at its meeting on 21.11.2018, and have been published in the version 2.2 of the Eligibility Handbook. For the list of amendments please see section 6.2 of the Handbook about versioning.
The 7th Monitoring Committee meeting took place in Vienna on the 21st November
21-11-2018Based on a previous decision of the MC, no newly submitted applications were discussed by the MC on 21.05.2018 in Vienna. The main focus of the agenda was the programme steering, thus among others the members of the Committee got a summary about the finalisation of the designation procedure, the measures and modifications to be taken in the Programme as result of the EU’s Omnibus Regulation’s (2018/1046 EU), and the draft report of the programme evaluation were discussed, as well as the implementation of certain previously approved projects were reviewed.
Read moreeMS Version 4_1.1 installed: new features, easier work
05-11-2018The version 4_1.1 of the eMS was installed on 5th November 2018 with it, new features. Major changes include the handling of modification requests as well as the management of enclosed documents to progress reports and should enable to foster the reporting work.
Read moreEC DAY 2018: let’s get together and celebrate skills without borders
27-09-2018The European Cooperation Day 2018 (EC day 2018), which was this year commonly organized by the programs Interreg V-A Austria-Hungary, Austria-Slovakia and Austria-Czech Republic as well as the department MA27 of the City of Vienna met great success on 27th September 2018!
Read moreVersion 2.0 of the calculation sheets for staff costs are published
05-10-2018The Managing Authority discussed with the Audit Authority during the designation process the calculation sheets for staff costs and a harmonized version of the calculation sheets V2.0 are now published.
During this process was also developed a guideline for staff cost calculation which is now available for download.
Opening hours of the Joint Secretariat in October
01-10-2018Please note, that on the 12th-13th October, 2018 the members of the Joint Secretariat will participate on an external event. Following 11th October, we will be available for you again on the 15th October.
Please also note that the Joint Secretariat will be closed on Monday-Tuesday, 22nd October– 23rd October, 2018 in line with the Hungarian legislation on holidays. You can contact us again after the long weekend on the 24th October, 2018!
Your Joint Secretariat
European cooperation day 2018
27-09-2018We invite you to a festive event with the motto „Competencies without Borders” at the MAK in Vienna.
Read moreFourth round of decision of the monitoring committee
27-08-2018The sixth meeting of the programme Monitoring Committee took place in Zalakaros on 20th and 21st June 2018. Nine project applications were sent to the JS by the submission deadline, 22nd March 2018, and all were proposed to the MC for decision after completion of the compliance check and quality evaluation.
Four projects were approved under conditions by the Monitoring Committee, 2 postponed and three rejected. As a result, up to 4.12 M Euros of additional European funding will be invested in the cross-border region, and the percentage of the ERDF budget bound to approved initiatives in the current programming period reached 81.02 % (more information concerning the current status of programme implementation is available on the website).
Vacancy at the Joint Secretariat prolonged again
17-08-2018The Joint Secretariat is looking for a Programme Manager in Sopron, Hungary. The deadline for the recent job advertisement is 17th August 2018.
Read moreThe Manual for Applicants has been updated
25-07-2018The MA and JS have updated the Manual for Applicants with the (in Implementation Manual already available) rules for complaint procedures, and with some small clarifications and corrections. For more details see the versioning at the end of the manual.
Hungarian version 1.1 of the handbook "Manual Microsites" is published
09-07-2018The Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariat have published the Hungarian translation for the updated version of the Handbook "Manual Microsites"
Read moreVersion 1.1 of the implementation manual is published
04-07-2018The Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariat have published the updated version of the Implementation Manual.
Submission deadline for applications and date of the next Monitoring Committee meetings
21-11-2018Based on the latest decision of Monitoring Committee, its 7th meeting will be held at 21 November, 2018. On this meeting there’ll be no discussion and decision related to newly submitted applications.
The date of the 8th Monitoring Committee meeting is 19-20 February, 2019. Here, applications submitted until 31 October, 2018 at 12:00 via eMS will be discussed.
Tender procedure for the software maintenance, adaptation and development of the eMS software
14-06-2018The programme Interreg AT-HU carries out a tender for the software maintenance, adaptation and development of the eMS software.
Read moreEurope in Vienna! Discover European projects from 15th to 19th May 2018
15-05-2018Open days are about to start in Vienna with various events organized including visits, exhibitions and workshops in order to present European initiatives to the general public.
Read moreLP Seminar in Sopron, second round
02-05-2018A promise is a promise: The JS and the MA organized on 2nd May, 2018 a second LP seminar for the 9 projects approved by the MC on 18th and 19th October 2017 in Baden, Austria.
Read moreOpening hours of the Joint Secretariat
30-04-2018Please note that the Joint Secretariat will be closed on Monday-Tuesday, 30th April – 1st May 2018 in line with the Hungarian legislation on holidays. You can contact us on after the long weekend on the 2nd May 2018 again!
Your Joint Secretariat
Tender for the programme’s impact evaluation
07-05-2019The programme Interreg AT-HU conducts an evaluation of the efficiency, effectiveness and impact of the programme.
Read moreVacancy at the Joint Secretariat prolonged
25-04-2018The Joint Secretariat is looking for a Programme Manager in Sopron, Hungary. The recent job advertisement is now prolonged until 25th April 2018.
Read moreVersion 1.1 of the handbook "Manual Microsites" is published
27-03-2018The Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariat have published the updated version of the Handbook "Manual Microsites"
The Hungarian translation is in process.
Opening hours of the Joint Secretariat
15-03-2018Please note that the Joint Secretariat will be closed on Thursday, 15th March 2018 (national holiday in Hungary) and the following Friday, 16th March in line with the Hungarian legislation on holidays. You can contact us on after the long weekend on the 19th March 2018 again!
Your Joint Secretariat
LP Seminar in Sopron, first round
12-03-2018New programming period, new rules! This was the moto of the LP Seminar jointly organized by the Joint Secretariat and the Managing Authority in Sopron on 12th March 2018.
Read moreSeminar "reporting expenditures successfully"
08-03-2018Today, the regional coordination body Burgenland organised a seminar for project partners from Burgenland at the premises of RMB.
Read moreVacancy at the Joint Secretariat
07-03-2018The Joint Secretariat is looking for a Programme Manager in Sopron, Hungary.
Read moreVersion 2.1 of the Eligibility Handbook is published
01-03-2018The Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariat have published the updated version of the Eligibility Handbook
Read moreNext submissions of projects and meeting dates of the Monitoring Committee
22-03-2018The Monitoring Committee agreed that the next meetings of the Monitoring Committee would take place from 20th to 21st June 2018 and 21st to 22nd November 2018.
Read moreThird round of decision of the monitoring committee
05-12-2017The fifth meeting of the programme Monitoring Committee took place in Baden on 18th and 19th October 2017. Nineteen project applications were sent to the JS by the submission deadline, 22nd May 2017, one of them was withdrawn in the phase of formal assessment and eighteen formally compliant ones were proposed to the MC for decision. Nine of them were approved by the Monitoring Committee -eight under conditions-, six postponed and three rejected. As a result of this decision, up to 14.5 M Euros of additional European funding will be invested in new Austrian-Hungarian initiatives, and the percentage of the ERDF budget already bound to approved cross-border projects in the current programming period has reached 75.6 %.
Read moreAnnual event 2017 – Interreg brings colour to the region
This year’s annual event of the programme Interreg Austria-Hungary on 30 May 2017 in Sopron was themed twofold: 20 years of EU funded cross-border cooperation between Austria and Hungary, and “Let’s colour the region”.
Read moreAnnual event "Let's colour the region"
30-05-2017On 30 May 2017 the annual event "Let's colour the region" takes place in Sopron from 9:00 to 17:00.
Read moreSecond round of decision of the monitoring committee
Read moreFirst round of decision of the Monitoring Committee
Read moreJoint Programme-Project-Logo
Read moreChange of date of Monitoring Committee meeting for decision making
24-04-2016The next meeting of the Monitoring Committee will be held on three instead of two days because of administrative reasons.
Read moreResults of the publicly held EU-wide consultation of the European Commission
12-04-2016Here are the results of the publicly held EU-wide consultation of the European Commission about the obstacle for cross-border cooperation
Read more18.-19. of May 2016: First decisions made on the second meeting of the Monitoring Committee regarding submitted projects
25-01-2016The second meeting of the Monitoring Committee is going to take place on the 18th and 19th of May 2016.
Read moreThe Call for applications for Interreg V-A Austria-Hungary is open!
16-12-2015We would like to inform our applicants that the call for project applications in the Interreg V-A Austria-Hungary programme was openned on the 16th of December 2015.
Read moreClosing brochure of the cross-border cooperation programme AUSTRIA-HUNGARY 2007–2013
15-11-2015In the programme period 2007-2013 the cross-border cooperation programme has supported 88 projects.
Read moreThe visit of commissioner Creţu at SEDDON
21-09-2015On the occasion of the „European Cooperation Day" on the 21st of September, commissioner Corina Creţu, responsible for EU regional policy visited the programmes Austria-Hungary and Slovakia-Austria
Read moreNew Cooperation Programme Austria- Hungary approved!
06-07-2015Finally the time has come on the 30th of June 2015
Read more