Folders and Publications
Programme folder
With this booklet we present the programme Interreg V-A Austria-Hungary. “The programme in a nutshell” gives an overview about the cooperation programme and its four thematic core areas.
The booklet is released bilingually, in German and Hungarian.
Thematic folder
In the following booklets we present the four thematic areas of the programme. Therein, you will find an overview about the structure of the priority axes in specific objectives and possible actions as well as criteria to be fulfilled by projects.
The booklets are released bilingually, in German and Hungarian.
Final brochure of the CBC programme 2007-2013 (Border-Area-Experiences)
In the period 2007-2013 the CBC programme Austria-Hungary has supported 88 projects. Through the supported activities new cooperations have been developed and existing ones have been intensified in various areas in the border region, like in nature protection, rail traffic or education.
Our publication “Grenz-Raum-Erfahrungen” (border-area-experiences) is an unconventional acknowledgement to all project partners for their contribution, endurance and careful project implementation in many successful projects.
The booklet is released bilingually, in German and Hungarian.
The print version is available at the Joint Secretariat or the Managing Authority.