Interreg ornament

SO41 Networks

Key Information

Lead partner

Chance B - Sozialbetriebs-GmbH


ERDF co-financing:

€ 1 146 837,17

Total budget:

€ 1 349 220,21


01/2017 - 12/2019

Project partners

Europäisches Zentrum für Wohlfahrtspolitik und Sozialforschung
Egyesített Egészségügyi és Szociális Intézmény Győr
Pálos Károly Szociális Szolgáltató Központ és Gyermekjóléti szolgáIat
Zalaegerszegi Gondozási Központ


In 2010 the World Health Organisation launched the initiative Age-friendly World. The vision is to reshape all towns and regions into an exceptional (!) living space in which to grow old. The project Age-friendly Region will contribute towards bringing this vision closer to the Hungary-Austria border region. Old age and care is a growing challenge for our societies. Previous ways of coping, such as a stronger commitment by relatives or the increased development of residential homes, are hardly suitable any more for improving the situation of older people who are in need of care. For this reason, the Age-friendly Region project will develop new approaches so that everyone in the region (and their relatives) can remain in their familiar surroundings, with a high quality of life and as independently as possible, even in old age. The cross-border cooperation allows the knowledge and experiences of both countries to be used and for a common model to be developed that builds on this. Six case managers will support 200 people with new systematic approaches for developing individual accommodation concepts as part of pilot projects, which are coordinated as much as possible with particular living and accommodation arrangements, and which are used in an optimal way with existing resources. The joint academic partners will analyse the experiences and effects of these new services in accordance with academic standards and open up the possibility of learning systematically from the differences between the two countries. For a long time, the strategies of the two countries on health have sought to improve support for older people in the organisation of everyday life and care at home and the better regional coordination of related services. Age-friendly Region will be an important step in this direction by the region and for the first time it will establish bilateral cooperation between AT and HU in this area.

Key Information

Lead partner

IZ - Verein zur Förderung von Vielfalt, Dialog und Bildung


ERDF co-financing:

€ 960 723,37

Total budget:

€ 1 130 262,80


01/2020 – 06/2022

Project partners

Dokumentationsarchiv des österreichischen Widerstandes
Land Burgenland
Vas Megyei Önkormányzati Hivatal
Nyugat-Pannon Terület- és Gazdaságfejlesztési Szolgáltató Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft
Győr-Moson-Sopron Megyei Önkormányzat


During the course oft he 20th century the national and regional identity of Western Hungary and Eastern Austria was often marked by mutual rejection and demarcation. The memory of these conflicts and traumatic events manifests itself in symbolic places of remebrance. Several times, world history was being written in this very region,  e.g at the Bridge of Andau during the Hungarian Uprising of 1956 and when the Iron Curtain fell in 1989. The overriding project goal is to improve local knowledge about historical facts in the border region as well as the cooperation among such institutions which disseminate and permanently secure this knowledge as a part of a regional identity.

  • Direct results will be firstly a digital inventory of places of remembrance, making documents, background literature and pictures publicly available and accessible.

  • Secondly an interactive map showing 60 places of remembrance on both sides of the border, containing basic information in German, Hungarian and English as well as links to more detailed materials in the digital inventory.

  • Thirdly a joint travelling exhibition to be presented in different towns across the region, including public discussions with historical experts involved in the project.

A complete exhibition (in the town of Mosonmagyaróvár) as well as a concept for the exhibition and impartment of local historical events and sites (in the town of Köszeg) will be developed in Hungary.

Combined workshops of numerous involved schools throughout the region constitute the central element of dissemination. Their results will be integrated into the digital inventory.

Overcoming the confrontative culture of remebrance in the region can only be achieved through the cooperation of historians, schools and adult education institutions, which participate as strategic partners on both sides. The use of digital media greatly facilitates the establishing of a new transnational culture of remembrance.

Key Information

Lead partner

Die Oststeirische Städtekooperation


ERDF co-financing:

€ 1 299 281,66

Total budget:

€ 1 528 566,67


05/2016 – 10/2019

Project partners

Körmend Város Önkormányzata
Lenti Város Önkormányzata


Deepening of a successful tripartite partnership

The City Cooperation project has helped in the period 2007-13, to establish a partnership of 24 cities (AT-SI-HU) and implement exemplary pilot and cooperation activities. Based on this experience the participating 8 Austrian, 7 Hungarian (and 9 Slovene) cities intend to still significantly deepen the initiative and focus on two very current joint challenges characteristic for the region. In order to highlight the identification with the cooperation in the cities at a political, administrative, economic and touristic level even more, Austrian cities have founded their own registered association as a carrier, which bundles all activities and is the basis for a trilateral funding body as a key project result. The greater project goal is analogue to PA 4 of AT-HU-Program "Enhancing institutional capacity and an efficient public administration" strengthening of public services of the cities and making it more efficient as the main carriers of a polycentric and growth-oriented development of the cross-border region of Slovenia-Hungary-Austria by 

  • coordination and development of the positioning of the individual network partners as individually profiled and transregional perceptible lighthouses of the region as well as the cooperation in its entirety
  • joint development and implementation of innovative and site-related purchasing power systems as a strategy for coping with the current challenges such as the digital transformation. 

 City Cooperation II develops solutions for an increased cooperation of the municipalities an institutions on the basis of concrete results, which increases the overall regional competitiveness.

Key Information

Lead partner

Diözese Graz-Seckau


ERDF co-financing:

€ 1 236 861,68

Total budget:

€ 1 455 131,40


11/2019 – 10/2022

Project partners

Berufsförderungsinstitut Burgenland
Soproni Evangélikus Egyházközség / Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Sopron
A Szombathelyi Evangélikus Egyházközség Szeretetszolgálatért Alapítvány
Chance B Holding GmbH


In the rural areas of the Austro-Hungarian border region, the problems of the aging population and the emigration of the younger ones occur in parallel. The traditional model of the extended family, in which the younger ones took care of the elderly, threatens to disappear. Among other things, due to their professional activity it is not possible for nursing family members to stay at home. Due to increasing life expectancy, more and more people are being affected by the challenges of elderly care. To ensure that quality of life does not decrease dramatically, the social care system needs to be reconsidered and comprehensive new initiatives taken. The objectives of the project are to meet these challenges through sustainable, inclusive solutions, to improve the quality of life and to improve the well-being of the elderly and their relatives in the border region. Our approach is a cross-border networking of caring communities on a voluntary basis.

To achieve these goals, we are developing a strategy and methodology for creating caring communities, taking into account local needs through the involvement of relevant stakeholders. The capacity of local and regional institutions and specialized organizations (social and health care) will be strengthened through the training of trusted persons who coordinate the caring communities. Through development of a bilateral model we create the organisational framework for cross-border volunteering.

In addition, we are mobilizing the population of the border region, especially the elderly, through social media solutions as well as subject-specific and communication activities. The cross-border cooperation of the involved actors will finally establish the self-sustaining, active, innovative and common network of caring communities.

Key Information

Lead partner

Fertő-táj Világörökség Magyar Tanácsa Egyesület


ERDF co-financing:

€ 326 791,00

Total budget:

€ 384 460,00


01/2021 – 12/2022

Project partners

Verein Welterbe Neusiedler See


The Fertő-Neusiedler See region has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2001. The Austro-Hungarian cross-border area has since faced new challenges due to the dynamic demographic and economic changes we are experiencing today. Suffice it to mention only tourism developments resulting in higher human load, the construction of wind farms or the building up of newer and newer areas. Addressing the challenges requires much closer cooperation between the Hungarian and Austrian world heritage management organizations and all other stakeholders who are interested in preserving the cross-border World Heritage title and the outstanding universal values ​​of the area in the long term. Currently, there is no cross-border coordinating body to deal comprehensively with regional affairs and serve as a forum for cooperation. The overall aim of the project is to establish sustainable cross-border institutionalized cooperation between relevant actors in the World Heritage Region. The body to be established in the project will be formed on the basis of a bilaterally agreed management plan with a transboundary impact, developed and evaluated for the Fertő-Neusiedler See World Heritage Site, and will regularly meet and develop appropriate conflict management rules. The work of the body will be assisted by a landscape observatory, which monitors changes in the landscape through suitably selected indicators and recommends interventions to the management body. The novelty of the project lies in the fact that the establishment of the joint body is based on sensitization of decision-makers and a joint management plan, whereas the observatory is the real innovation of the management plan to be developed. Strengthening organizational integration is beneficial to the region as a whole: primarily to the 30 World Heritage settlements and to any organization representing the interests of nature conservation, tourism, town planning and transport, water management and the economy.

Key Information

Lead partner

Nyugat - Pannon Terület- és Gazdaságfejlesztési Szolgáltató Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft.


ERDF co-financing:

€ 697 083,08

Total budget:

€ 820 097,75


01/2016 - 06/2019

Project partners

Regionalmanagement Burgenland GmbH


The main focus of the project CONNREG is based on the challenges identified in the previous RECOM projects including the lack of information on spatial development of the nearby region/country and the European Union.

The main goal of the project is to share the knowledge and information because one of the essential conditions of common cross-border spatial development is the existence of common knowledge base. The overall objective is to establish and share professional regional knowledge base („What is going on on the other side of the border / in the EU?”), mutual understanding of regional management structures ("Who is responsible for what across the border / EU?"), raising awareness on cultural and organizational characteristics ("How problems are solved across the border / EU?").

Cross-border training academy, and thematic expert materials / summary will be created as the base of the academy, as well as people-to-people activities will be implemented to strengthen direct relations between organizations. The direct beneficiaries will be the professionals working on different levels of regional development, local and regional decision-makers, civil society organizations.

The project focuses on three successive levels:

  • Aid policy of the EU, cross-border planning, spatial and settlement development in Hungary and Austria.

  • Relations between the local and macro-regional policies (EU Strategy for the Danube Region, Centrope, etc.).

  • Establishing and implementing of people-to-people activities and networks on local level.

Key Information

Lead partner

L&R Sozialforschung OG


ERDF co-financing:

€ 457 634,45

Total budget:

€ 538 393,50


01/2021 – 12/2022

Project partners

Változó Világért Alapítvány
BAB Unternehmensberatung GmbH
Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund
Magyar Szakszervezeti Szövetség


The COVID-19 pandemic led to massive changes in the world of employment: Redundancies, short-time work and home office are only a few examples. Digital labour is now at the centre of attention. Many businesses and their employees have been challenged by new qualification and technical requirements. What does this mean, especially if we think within a cross-border context? How do cross-border commuters react? How are they involved in business processes? Previous studies on digitalisation show, that employees, works councils and executive levels frequently lack crucial knowledge on the implementation of digital strategies and employees are not involved. This is the starting point for our project which aims for the following: We want to increase the knowledge on digitalisation within the mentioned target groups, develop participatory approaches for the implementation of digital strategies and test them in order to support digitalisation strategies of businesses within the project region. Innovation can be assured in particular in context of the focus on participatory approaches. The overall objective of the project is to strengthen cross-border businesses among unions and other players within the labour market by building a network on the subject of digital work.


To reach this goal, a sound analysis of the labour market 4.0 is of high importance – especially considering the completely new situation within the COVID-19 pandemic – to support businesses and labour market players to plan future measures and strategies. Based on this analysis consultations within companies in order to implement digital strategies will be conducted – following a participatory approach. Thereof measures and strategies for labour market players and businesses will be deducted to raise the future level of digitalisation on a long-term perspective. In addition, a network of unions and labour market players should be built to enhance the exchange of experiences.

Key Information

Lead partner

Weizer Energie-Innovations-Zentrum GmbH.


ERDF co-financing:

€ 262 386,50

Total budget:

€ 308 690,00


01/2021 – 12/2022

Project partners

Lenti Város Önkormányzata
4ward Energy Research GmbH


The climate is effective across borders, our behavior is more local and regional. The E&C Toolbox project makes the need for cross-border coordination and cooperation in energy and climate strategies / measures visible. E&C Toolbox links existing methods and instruments for local and regional, public organizations of energy and climate-relevant strategies and measures. Selected E&C instruments such as SEAP, SECAP, energy register, energy performance certificate, energy balance sheets, eco-profit analysis, etc. (= E&C Toolbox) for development, planning, implementation and monitoring are used for the sustainable use of energy supply systems and climate-neutral measures in the areas of housing, business and mobility to achieve national and European climate goals through cross-border cooperation between small towns in AT and HU. With the E&C Toolbox project, selected, most suitable E&C methods and instruments are used in the model cities of Weiz (A) and Lenti (HU). Spatial and regional planners, cities and communities, business and service providers for energy and climate systems and ultimately the population and environment of the project region benefit from this real application of the E&C Toolbox instruments. The E&C instruments are recorded from the project region 24CityCooperation and selected EU regions, analyzed for cross-border use and used as a model. The results will be published through suitable events and digital information channels. The innovation consists in the use and synergetic linking of existing knowledge to practical applications for cities, economy and population to pursue the goals of the European Green Deal. Measures coordinated regionally and across borders can have very positive effects for the bilateral region AT-HU. This project wants to demonstrate this in practice.

Key Information

Lead partner

Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund


ERDF co-financing:

€ 735 527,21

Total budget:

€ 865 326,13


01/2017 – 06/2020

Project partners

Magyar Szakszervezeti Szövetség


The labour market of the border region Burgenland – Western Hungary undergoes a dynamic development, which brings on both side of the border positive as well as negative impacts, which calls for the employment-related authorities.

Up to 20.000 Hungarian workers commute across the border, many of them are having alternating seasonal jobs in Hungary and in Austria. This means cross-border and alternating competence and relevance for the social security, taxation and other regulations concerning cross-border commuters.

The aim of the project is to institutionalize existing co-operations between employment-related authorities to create sustainable cross-border co-operation and better communication. As a consequence of this co-operation there will be a better Integration of cross-border issues into the workflows of the Hungarian and Austrian authorities and also a simplification and better understanding of the legal obligations of cross-border commuters.

The incorporation of all employment-related authorities and institutions on both sides of the border as well as the focusing on the special situation of the region caused by the high ratio of daily commuters on the labour market are important aspects of the project.

Besides long-term experience of the project partners at consulting of cross-border commuters is a comprehensive study on the situation of cross-border commuters the base for further project activities and for the enhancement of the institutional co-operation.

Key Information

Lead partner

Niederösterreichische Landesgesundheitsagentur


ERDF co-financing:

€ 578 243,86

Total budget:

€ 680 286,90


01/2020 – 09/2022

Project partners

Országos Kórházi Főigazgatóság


Healthcare is subject to national regulation in the EU, and cooperation is neither prescribed nor compulsory under union law, hence, at the sole discretion of Member States. Cross-border cooperation in healthcare, thus, remains within the own initiatve of governments. The objective of this project is to lay a solid foundation for long-term cooperation in the Austro-Hungarian border region by creating a network of relevant actors. Achieving this objective is only feasible though cross-border cooperation, therefore a network comprising of all stakeholders, both governmental and health professionals including emergency services, is indispensible in order to facilitate permanent cooperation among the aforementioned. This will serve the ultimate purpose, and at the same time be in aid of improving access to healthcare by the general public. The network to be established will follow the entire course of project implementation from the beginning, and will contribute to the formulation of a three-tier agenda "Cooperation Strategy 2030" with short-, medium- and long-term goals. To give emphasis to their will of dedicated cooperation, project partners will produce and jointly sign a Commitment Declaration that is to ensure they will sustain their cooperation beyond this project. In addtion, as it is central to the project, partners will also formulate policy recommendations for a bilateral agreement on cooperation in emergency services between Austria and Hungary, to be tabled before high-level political decision-makers. Further significant output is the basis of a rapid medical consultaion mechanism of big-volume data transfer in pathology between the hospitals of Wiener Neustadt and Sopron cities, which will reduce turn-over times of clinical diagnosis and facilitate the early recognition of tumourous diseases. This will be to the direct benefit of end-users, the patients living in the border area, as the project is seeking to deliver immediately tangible results.

Key Information

Lead partner

Land Burgenland


ERDF co-financing:

€ 699 078,49

Total budget:

€ 822 445,30


01/2017 - 12/2019

Project partners

Győr-Moson-Sopron Megyei Kormányhivatal
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien
Széchenyi István Egyetem


The pollen of ragweed are known to be particularly aggressive allergens and cause a tremendous economic loss each year. Whereas Hungary has already been affected for a long time and thereby successfully established control measures both in organizational and legal terms, the plant has in Austria increasingly spread only in the last years. Since the spread takes place via Eastern neighboring countries, the province of Burgenland is particularly strongly affected. However, on the Austrian side exists at the moment neither a regulated procedure for detection and control of ragweed, nor any collaboration with Hungarian authorities. This imbalance of capacity for action of administrative systems constitutes a major challenge for the border region. As ragweed does not stop at the border, this problem can only be combated by acting together.

The project has set the objective of establishing a sustainable institutional cooperation on the issue of ragweed control between relevant Austrian and Hungarian actors. This enables a know-how transfer that benefits both sides and improves the quality of public service and thereby also life quality of the population.

In the framework of the survey and research, fundamental data will be collected (main output 1: cross-border cooperation of universities in the frame of the research activities) on the basis of which coordinated recommendations can be made in order to control and to prevent the spread. A cross-border data exchange is first made possible by establishing a common ragweed reporting system. The establishment of a bilateral ragweed task force with experts of both countries lays the foundations for a long-lasting institutional cooperation (main output 2: cross-border cooperation of relevant actors in the field of ragweed control).

Key Information

Lead partner

Europäisches Zentrum für Erneuerbare Energie Güssing GmbH


ERDF co-financing:

€ 279 477,09

Total budget:

€ 328 796,58


04/2017 - 01/2020

Project partners

Körmend és Kistérsége Önkormányzati Társulás


The collection, treatment and recycling of energy-rich raw materials and residues represents an unresolved problem in the interests of safeguarding and increasing the regional added value, the safety of the existing biomass power plants, the creation of new renewable energy plants, the increasing energy and resource efficiency in the cross-border project region ecoEnergyland (OEL) and area of Körmend. On the one hand the demand of raw materials for various biomass energy plants is growing, on the other hand we have accommodate increasing amounts of residues (for example sewage sludge) that must be collected, treated and recycled. Also the relevant laws (for example, landfill or agricultural application of sewage sludge) getting continuously stringent. Additionally the potential of not covered by householdsgreen waste, currently not collected and not recycled residues (for example, bank wood, grass, shrubs, trees and pruning in the communities), will also be very high. The existing power generation facilities in the ecoEnergyland are already partially supplied from Hungary with raw materials, but supply currently happens unstructured. That's disadvantageous for energy plants and the collection of raw material suppliers equally.

Main objectives of the project:

  • Development of a structured, cross-border raw and residue material collection system according to the legal requirements and transfer into an orderly recovery system in the interests of economic continuation of the existing biomass power plants and in the interest of creating new energy systems in the cross-border project region

  • In particular, the investigation of the possibility of energy recovery of sewage sludge (according to sewage sludge strategy) and of available redesigned feedstock from newly collection system through innovative technologies in the project regions.

  • institutional harmonization on the energy sector.

Key Information

Lead partner

Land Burgenland


ERDF co-financing:

€ 380 190,38

Total budget:

€ 447 282,80


01/2021 – 12/2022

Project partners

Győr-Moson-Sopron Megyei Kormányhivatal
Széchenyi István Egyetem
Verein der Burgenländischen Naturschutzorgane
Qualifizierungsagentur Oststeiermark GmbH


Ragweed, which is very widespread in Hungary and also in Eastern Austria, causes serious problems for public health and the national economy. The overall aim of the project is to expand and strengthen institutional cooperation in the field of ragweed control from a geographical and sectoral perspective. The following approaches are used for this purpose:

  1. Deepening the cooperation: The SAM project is no longer about getting to know the control measures of the participating institutions, but about jointly developing new strategies and control measures. To this end, a central ragweed hub will be established and the bilateral working group - in which the provinces of Lower Austria and Styria and the counties of Vas and Zala are now represented in addition to the existing institutions - will be expanded and used to develop coordinated control measures. By involving NGOs, the administrative level is also optimally linked with the multipliers on the ground.

  2. Concentration on HUMANS and plant: While the preliminary project JAA was mainly concerned with the effective control of the plant in certain crops, SAM also concentrates on the integration of medical expertise and the information of allergy sufferers about possible protective measures. To this end, the health authorities, doctors and pharmacies are being addressed as a new target group and involved in terms of content.

  3. Better capitalisation of knowledge: In order to effectively combat ragweed and deal with the allergies caused by the plant as effectively as possible, tailor-made expertise is needed. By preparing and communicating the valuable knowledge gained in the JAA and SAM projects to specific target groups, multipliers are trained who will contribute to efficient control in the long term.

Key Information

Lead partner

Zala Megyei Önkormányzat


ERDF co-financing:

€ 714 000,00

Total budget:

€ 840 000,00


03/2019 – 02/2022

Project partners

Vas Megyei Önkormányzati Hivatal
Dachverband burgenländischer Frauen-, Mädchen- und Familienberatungsstellen
NOWA Training Beratung Projektmanagement


Although the percentage of employed women in the public sphere in the project region is greater than in the private sector, a contra selection/system error exists: it takes women a lot longer to reach the height of their career in the public sphere. Because of their age or rather woman-specific life situations (which could be characteristic for men too), that woman employees have to face challenges in their career. In contrast, the private sector reacts to the accelerated environment more effectively, because of their flexible system/working conditions. A special case, a switch from the public sphere to the private economy (and in reverse) could occur. The attitude of senior male employees, as well as that of managers and decisionmakers towards the problems and challenges women have to face are often one-sided.

There are/were multiple national initiatives launched to improve the situation of female employees working in the public sphere, but none that would approach the subject from a cross-border perspective and execute a fact finding endeavor based on a jointly developed methodology. Within the scope of this project - based on the results of the aforementioned ascertainment - a training program (toolkit) will be developed and implemented, complemented by different target-group-specific awareness raising activities. As a result, the job market situation and equality of women working in the public sphere will be improved.

To ensure the long-term sustainable application of the developed activities, a cross-border institutional network will be established at least with the participation of the PPs and SPs, through a strategic agreement and an action plan.

The political sustainability of the project results and their consideration in decision-making processes will be ensured by the inclusion and awareness raising of decision makers as well as through the Policy Recommendation that is to be created.

Key Information

Lead partner

Burgenländischer Ringsportverband


ERDF co-financing:

€ 376 343,44

Total budget:

€ 442 757,00


01/2018 – 06/2020

Project partners

Győri Atlétikai Club
Landessportzentrum VIVA GmbH


Violence amongst children and teenagers has reached a new dimension in Austria and Hungary. Sport reduces their agression and contributes to the creation of equal opportunities. Common events, trainings and exchange activities create connections where there was no cooperation so far.

The aim of the project is to establish a sustainable cooperation between the wrestling associations in Austria and Hungary. As a core output the 8 most important organizations should be involved in these activities and 9 joint sport events (camps, training courses and competitions) should be realized.

The popularity of wrestling has decreased in Austria as well as in Hungary. Both countries are struggling with this challenge and together the wrestling associations want to solve it. A joint cross-border platform "Wrestling Without Borders" will be established to raise awareness among young people in the schools of the border region. Through advanced training courses and educational videos the knowledge base in the border region will be broader and the sport will be more attractive. Modular training courses for children and young people with a different level of knowledge will follow. The kids will compete with their neighbors in four joint tournaments and three joint training camps.

The promising cooperation of the wrestling associations, which emerged immediately after the fall of the Iron Curtain, unfortunately faded away in the last decade. Today, the joung wrestlers of those days are the presidents of the wrestling associations. They have benefited from the joint activities and would like to offer the same opportunities also to today's kids and thus revitalize and institutionalize their cooperation. The participation of a number of high-ranking strategic partners guarantees the transfer of the project results into the national level.

Priority 1
Priority 2
Priority 3
Priority 4

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