SO22 Nature protection
Improving the ecological stability and resilience of landscape and ecosystems
All actions supported within specific objective SO22 of priority axis 2 shall contribute to improve the ecological stability and resilience of landscape and ecosystems in the Austrian-Hungarian border region on a long-term basis. Thus, cross-border concepts as well as the implementation of joint protection measures are of vital importance.aßnahmen unerlässlich.
Examples of actions eligible under specific objective SO22 are:
1. Development of joint management and protection plans with a focus on restoration and, whenever it is possible, improving connectivity of areas, such as
- management plans targeting the Natura 2000 areas and other protected areas and
- protection plans targeting the conservation of species of Community interest, protected species and species concerned by different international conventions typical to the border region
2. Implementation of protection measures, such as
- Measures, including small scale infrastructure investments serving the conservation and sound management of Natura 2000 sites and other protected areas located in the cross-border region (e.g. rehabilitation of degraded habitats, in situ & ex situ conservation programmes, control of invasive alien species and succession processes, improving ecological connections among natural habitats, rehabilitation of streams etc.)
- joint species protection measures including small scale infrastructure investments (targeted habitat restoration measures, ex situ conservation programmes)
- investments in green infrastructure
3. Implementation of joint research projects and supporting the cooperation of research institutions in the border area, aiming to support the long term conservation of species and habitats (e.g. exploring the ecology and taxonomy of data deficient species, assessment of conservation status, applied research to support nature conservation management etc.)
4. Development and implementation of joint education and trainings schemes and promotion of awareness raising with the direct involvement of local communities (including investments in nature interpretation infrastructure)