Green mobility?
Mitigation of Co2 emission?
Car-free life?
Burning questions of the last few years, and most of us are clueless, how us, simple citizens can do something without investing quite some money in a new car or giving up our comfort?
Nevertheless being stuck in a traffic jam by the border crossing almost every morning sounds familiar, right? What would you think if we told you there was a solution? Project SMART Pannonia presents some alternatives and introduces all of us to a greener thought when it comes to mobility. Let’s find out how much the project did for our region!
Do you fancy a train journey? Absolutely!
Planning a greener trip demands more effort, therefore you just hopped in your car? Now you can plan your train trip better with the new multimodal trip planner. You can plan your train journey, and also check out the park and ride but also bike possibilities at your destination!
You were not a fan of train stations before, were you? SMART Pannonia changes your perception about train stations and introduces the new passenger centre in Szombathely. This packed station got fully renewed and refurbished, and if you forgot or just did not want to buy your ticket online, experienced GYSEV staff ensures the possibility of face-to-face communication.
Besides taking care of our comfort, the project does not forget about our safety. Although railway accidents are decreasing steadily in the last decade, it is important to keep up with this trend. This motivated the plantation of an awareness-raising poster about light barriers in the vicinity of the Sopron-Klingenbach border crossing. The poster is a flashing, very informative and captivating one, and self-sustainable thanks to solar energy.
Sometimes two wheels are just enough
The project also paid attention to another green alternative. Biking in the border region has never been easier! Mobilitätszentrale Burgenland organised numerous bike trips, in the framework of the Burgenland Radelt initiative. This sequence of events includes cycling tours, educative measures, and programmes for children from the pilot municipalities’ schools, and e-bike shows. To enhance bike mobility also bike depos and bike-friendly Park+Ride sports were planted at the busiest train stations on both sides of the border.
The abovementioned highlights of the project raised your attention? Would you give a try to a green journey?
Find the multimodal trip planner here:
Visit the project website:
Microsite and the partners’ websites for more information.