Conclusions of ConnReg ATHU are now drawn

In the field of regional development, West-Pannonia, Burgenland, Lower Austria, Vienna and Styria has been working together now for over a decade and in project ConnReg ATHU the regions addressed challenges identified in the meantime. In ConnReg the regions set the ambitious goal to further intensify cooperation and especially focused project’s attention on relevant actors active in the field of regional and cross-border development, in order to increase their knowledge base, exchange of know-how and good practices.
One important message of the project is that there is a clear and increasing need for cooperation in the ATHU border area. It's nothing new to us in the Programme, but it’s key here to note that a lot has changed in the past few years as actors have become more open to each other. It also became evident to most stakeholders that in various strategic fields the questions must be addressed together and overcoming certain challenges may only be possible in cross-border cooperation.
There are many further highlights in the project -specified workshops, cross-border training academy, encouraging networking and initiating people-to-people activities, drafting strategic documents-; still, we now would like to concentrate on two conclusions and lessons learnt in the project that might be vital also in other projects’ communication work: mutual understanding and the emphasis on reaching out proactively to the public.
Importance of mutual understanding
Mutual understanding doesn’t sound very crucial, right? However, do you know that a lot of misunderstanding in international business comes from not knowing your partner well enough? Even a big misunderstanding (or resentment) can be simply caused by one’s presentation style that is very difficult to translate simultaneously by an interpreter.
Therefore, don’t underestimate the role of mutual understanding! It’s key in good communication and ConnReg revealed how important it is in the AT-HU context as well and supported in various ways, particularly via intercultural trainings, in which culture, linguistic or phrasing differences and diverse ways of thinking are the most relevant to address. Furthermore, ConnReg helped participants to walk in the shoes of the interpreters and made it clear that simply the formulation of a sentence can change a lot! So next time, choose your words!
Reach out to the Public
Communication of projects and project results to the general public is always a hard nut to crack, and, mostly the communication task that is in the end left behind. Certainly, it's difficult to target such things as the diverse general public, since it's challenging to identify what message you send, in what form, and what channel. Citizens of the region may sound a better target, as concentrating on certain geographic location eases the task.
ConnReg ATHU came up with the idea to create an eye-catching event tent, with various ATHU project descriptions on its sides and to go on a road show in the programme region. Thanks to this, ConnReg managed to reach hundreds of citizens at 9 locations - fairs that are open to the public, local events, markets, etc.-, surveyed more than 200 locals, and spread the word about the Programme and dozens of its projects.
Based on the experiences, feedback from discussions with citizens and from the surveys, the initiative has been considered successful. Most citizens were happy to receive information on what’s supported in the region, how cross-border initiatives work and how their lives are affected positively by ATHU projects.
Good idea, right? There are various ways of effective communication, try to find your own way to reach out to the public!
For more information on the project, please visit the project website.
Read the main project result documents here:
- 1_ConnRegStrat_Dok_BreitereZusammenhange_DE.pdf (2 MB)
- 1_ConnReg_Strat_Dok_Tagabb_koru_kitekintes_HU.pdf (2 MB)
- 2_ConnregStrat_dok_Wirtschaftsentwicklung_Prior1.DE.pdf (3 MB)
- 2__ConnReg_Strat_Dok_1.prior_KKV-k_versenykepessegenek_a_javitasa___HU.pdf (2 MB)
- 3_ConnRegStrat_Dok_Umweltschutz_Prior2._DE.pdf (1 MB)
- 3__ConnReg_Strat_Dok_2.prior_termeszetvedelem_HU.pdf (1 MB)
- 4_ConnRegStrat_Dok_3.prior_Kozlekedes_HU.pdf (2 MB)
- 4_ConnRegStrat_Dok_Verkehr_Prior3._DE.pdf (2 MB)
- 5_ConnRegStrat_DOK_4.prior_Intezmenyi_kapacitas_javitasa_HU.pdf (2 MB)
- 5_ConnRegStrat_Dok_InstitutKapazit_4.prior_DE.pdf (2 MB)
- 6_ConnRegStrat_Dok_Celteruelet_szamokban.pdf (4 MB)
- 6_ConnRegStrat_Dok_Das_Zielgebiet_in_Zahlen__DE.pdf (3 MB)
- ATHU_Erhebung_gue._Regionalentwicklung__Ergebnisprotokoll.pdf (625 KB)
- ATHU_terueletfejlesztesi_felmeres_Eredmenyprotokoll.pdf (703 KB)
- ConnReg_AT-HU_Akteurslandkarte.pptx (2 MB)
- ConnReg_AT-HU_halozati_resztvevoi_terkep.pptx (2 MB)
- Roadshow_Ergebnisse_der_Bevoelkerungsbefragung.pdf (954 KB)
- Roadshow_Lakossagi_lekerdezes_eredmenyei.pdf (929 KB)