Interreg ornament

The 8th monitoring committee meeting took place in Bükfürdő (HU) on the 19th and 20th February 2019


The focus of the agenda on the MC’s first day was on programme steering related issues. Among others, MC members received information about the activities that are foreseen on the basis of results of the programme evaluation, recently implemented by external experts. The general programme related topics were followed by presentations about up-to-date developments of running projects, such as ATHU002 (Vogelwarte Madárvárta 2), ATHU003 (PaNaNet+), ATHU016 (CrossBorder Rail), ATHU018 (City Cooperation II), as well as the road construction projects. The discussion of submitted projects and the related decision about ERDF funding has already started at the end of the first day, and was the focus topic of the second day.


Eight project applications were submitted to the JS by the submission deadline, 12th September 2018, of which six have passed the compliance check and were proposed to the MC for decision after the quality assessment.


Three projects -one of them under conditions- were approved by the Monitoring Committee, two postponed and one rejected. As a result, up to 1,96 M Euros of additional ERDF funding will be invested in the cross-border region, and the percentage of the ERDF budget bound to approved initiatives in the current programming period has reached 84.36 %. More information concerning the current status of programme implementation is available on the website (


Please note that the MC will decide on next ERDF allocations on 12th and 13th June 2019. Applications for funding to be discussed at this meeting will have to be submitted via eMS by 13th March 2019 at noon.


The following list indicates acronyms and full titles of the project applications which were selected for funding in this decision round (further details will be made public in the section of this website dedicated to current projects):


Priority 2: Protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency

ATHU101 3 Határlos - Inwertsetzung der grenzüberschreitenden Natur- und Nationalparkregion durch die Entwicklung von neuen naturtouristischen Angeboten. A határon átnyúló natúrpark- és nemzetipark-régió hasznosítása új természetjáró turisztikai ajánlatok kifejlesztésével

ATHU121 ArcheOn - Gemeinsame Entwicklung und touristische Inwertsetzung eines historischen und archäologischen Angebots in der Grenzregion Österreich-Ungarn / Történeti és régészeti kínálat közös fejlesztése és turisztikai hasznosítása az osztrák-magyar határtérségben

ATHU113 NEDuNET - Környezeti nevelési és természetvédelmi őrszolgálati hálózat kialakítása a határon átnyúló nemzeti parkban / Schaffung eines Naturbildungs- und Gebietsbetreuungsnetzwerks im grenzüberschreitenden Nationalpark

Priority 1
Priority 2
Priority 3
Priority 4

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