The 7th Monitoring Committee meeting took place in Vienna on the 21st November

Based on a previous decision of the MC, no newly submitted applications were discussed by the MC on 21.05.2018 in Vienna. The main focus of the agenda was the programme steering, thus among others the members of the Committee got a summary about the finalisation of the designation procedure, the measures and modifications to be taken in the Programme as result of the EU’s Omnibus Regulation’s (2018/1046 EU), and the draft report of the programme evaluation were discussed, as well as the implementation of certain previously approved projects were reviewed.
As decided by the MC previously, in this meeting only one previously postponed project was proposed for discussion. The Monitoring Committee discussed the revised and resubmitted project RaabSTAT, and decided about its approval. In the framework of this project initiated by the West-Transdanubian Water Directorate and Land Burgenland and expected to be implemented mostly in 2019 and 2020, extensive measurements are to be made at 51 sampling points along the River Raab, i.e. on both sides of the border. The analysis of the current pollution load and ecological state of the river will enable to assess the impact of protection measures implemented until now and to develop new ones.
The next submission deadline and the date of the next Monitoring Committee meeting
The next meetings of the MC will be held on the 19th-20th February 2019 and 12th-13th June 2019, respectively. Those formally compliant applications that were submitted by 31st October are going to be discussed by the Monitoring Committee on the following 8th meeting in February 2019. The projects to be proposed on the 9th Committee meeting must be submitted via eMS until 13th March 2019 12:00 AM.