Interreg ornament

Project decisions of the previous submission rounds


The Monitoring Committee decided on project funding at the beginning of May. The applications received by the deadline in February this year were subject to the decisions. But we should also wrap up what happened before that.


The deadline of 9 February 2024 was the first time that applications for small-scale projects could be submitted in addition to applications for standard projects. By this deadline, 17 standard and 6 small-scale projects had been submitted. Of these, 14 standard and all 6 small-scale projects passed the formal and eligibility assessment and were subject to funding decisions by the MC.

At its 4th meeting on 07-08.05.2024, the MC granted funding to altogether 12 projects, out of them 3 small-scale and 9 standard ones, in a financial volume of 8,77 million Euro ERDF.


Last year, in our first submission round by the deadline in September 2023 20 applications had been submitted, of which 17 passed the formal assessment, allowing the MC to negotiate and decide on their funding. At the 3rd meeting of the MC on 12-13 December 2023, a total of 10 projects were approved. With the approval of these projects, 7.43 million Euro ERDF funding was committed.

As of May 2024, a total of 16.2 million Euro ERDF funding has been committed to projects under the 2021-2027 programme. The next submission deadline for new applications for both standard and small-scale projects is 15 November 2024.  By then, we will have 29.6 million Euro ERDF funding still available for new projects.


Again, we hope to receive excellent applications in the next round of submissions! The key is to consult with the Regional Coordinators and study the manuals and other information material available on the programme website.

Priority 1
Priority 2
Priority 3
Priority 4

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