Our projects during the epidemic: Elderly can rely on project Co-AGE!

Chance B, one of Co-AGE project partners, very quickly designed a concept about how to support people over 65 who have an increased risk of severe disease and who may be even lonely and/or socially isolated due to the contact restrictions.
Since 18th of March 2020 people who need assistance as well as people who offer support can contact the Team Gleisdorf via hotline (03112/2601) or e-mail (gemeinde@gleisdorf.at) , and Chance B is matching them and coordinating the volunteering activities which are: assisting with shopping and delivering groceries to elders in the community, taking dogs for a walk, and volunteering as a telephone buddy.
Like many other initiatives this COVID-19 response proves that although social distancing is required and social interactions have to be limited, we can see an impressive trend in society to move closer together and operate in solidarity with vulnerable populations.
This story is only an example, how our projects can participate, and help during these unsecure times. How does your project help? We would be happy to share your story!