Europe in Vienna! Discover European projects from 15th to 19th May 2018

Open days are about to start in Vienna with various events organized including visits, exhibitions and workshops in order to present European initiatives to the general public.
During five days, citizens will have the opportunity to learn more about projects financed by the European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds. Interreg programmes that are financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF is one of the ESI funds), will of course be showcased during Europe in Vienna!
Among the initiatives presented, visitors will find the cross-border project BIG AT-HU in which the Vienna Board of Education, together with other Austrian and Hungarian partners such as the University of Sopron, encourages multilingualism in Kindergartens and elementary schools. The project EDLRIS (European Driving Licence for Robots and Intelligent Systems), which aims at developing a standardized international training and certification system in robotics and gathers institutions for higher education and certification organizations from both sides of the border, will try to raise interest among the public for such a fast-evolving and fascinating field. CEPI, in which Austrian and Hungarian universities come together for the creation of a centre of excellence for poultry innovation and Naturkulinarium, whose objective was to tap the potential of local natural assets for the development of cross-border touristic offers, will also be put at the foreground.
The opening event of Europe in Vienna will take place on Monday, 14th May 2018 from 1pm to 5pm in the “Alte Schieberkammer”, Meiselstrasse 16-20 in Vienna (free entrance)! More information about the open days as well as the programme are available on