#EUinmyRegion: discover the results of EU-funded projects across Austria!

Austria's regions have benefited from EU funding since 1995 - 110 funded projects on 9 walking and cycling routes covering almost 200 kilometres.
New experiences on foot or by bike
Which regions are participating in the campaign?
This year we will be active in Dornbirn, Villach, Reutte, Oberpinzgau, Gleisdorf to Feldbach, Steyr, Wr. Neustadt, Vienna and around Eisenstadt. Away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and the usual routes, we can discover more than 100 regional funding projects.
Along the routes, you can get a different perspective on the region with the help of walking or cycling maps available in the municipalities or at tourist offices. The routes take you past businesses, universities, educational establishments and local initiatives, often far from tourist attractions, all of which are using EU funding to implement projects for the benefit of their region.
Photos are prize-worthy!
Anyone who takes photos of their walk or cycle ride and uploads them via the website will win a #EUinmyRegion drinking bottle. For more information, visit https://www.europa-in-meiner-region.at/2021/foto-contest.
€16 billion for Austria's regions
Since joining the European Union in 1995, Austria has received funding from the European Structural and Investment Funds (agricultural, regional and social funds). According to calculations by the Austrian Institute for Economic Research, a good €16 billion will flow into Austria from these funds by 2020. Together with additional funding from the federal government, the provinces and private investors, the total investment amounts to around €34 billion to support projects and initiatives in different regions of Austria.
The campaign will run until 2023, so there is still time for those interested to explore one route or another:
Burgenland: cycle tour around Eisenstadt, https://www.europa-in-meiner-region.at/2021/burgenland
The project sites are Eisenstadt, Wulkaprodersdorf, Siegendorf, Mörbisch, Rust, St. Margarethen i.B.
Carinthia: City walk Villach, https://www.europa-in-meiner-region.at/2021/kaernten
Lower Austria: Cycle tour Wiener Neustadt, https://www.europa-in-meiner-region.at/2021/niederoesterreich
The project locations: Lichtenwörth, Wr. Neustadt and Katzelsdorf
Upper Austria: City walk Steyr, https://www.europa-in-meiner-region.at/2021/oberoesterreich
Salzburg: cycle tour between Zell am See and Hollersbach, https://www.europa-in-meiner-region.at/2021/salzburg
Project locations: Zell am See, Piesendorf, Niedernsill, Stuhlfelden, Mittersill, Hollersbach, Hollersbach
Styria: Cycling tour between Gleisdorf and Feldbach, https://www.europa-in-meiner-region.at/2021/steiermark
Project locations: Gleisdorf, St. Margarethen a.d.R., Studenzen, Feldbach
Tyrol: Cycling tour Reutte, https://www.europa-in-meiner-region.at/2021/tirol
Project locations: Pflach, Reutte
Vorarlberg: Walking tour Dornbirn, www.europa-in-meiner-region.at/2021/vorarlberg
Vienna: walking tour in the north-west of Vienna, www.europa-in-meiner-region.at/2021/wien
Project locations: Währing, Hernals, Ottakring, Josefstadt, Innere Stadt, Alsergrun