EC DAY 2018: let’s get together and celebrate skills without borders

The European Cooperation Day 2018 (EC day 2018), which was jointly organized by the programs Interreg V-A Austria-Hungary, Slovakia-Austria and Austria-Czech Republic as well as the department MA27 of the City of Vienna met great success on 27th September 2018 in the famous Viennese Museum for Applied Arts / Contemporary Art (MAK). Thanks also to its advertisement the day before at the Sopron and Bratislava railway stations in form of a breakfast, more than 200 participants attended the annual event. The Europe Direct Espressomobil on the spot in front of the MAK was also well received by passersby.
EC days are conceived to give visibility and popularize the main features of international initiatives and foster a dynamic involvement of the great public. Following on from last year’s motto “let’s color the region” and using street art style paintings to present our programme in the public spaces of the Sopron railway station, this year’s event strove to dynamically showcase the concrete and local-based dimension of Interreg projects with a focus on education and research. In the World Café six outstanding projects were made more tangible to visitors through short interactive presentations: BIG (HU-AT, CZ-AT, SK-AT), CEPI (AT-HU), EDLRIS (AT-HU), Kompetenzzentrum MechanoBiologie (CZ-AT), PlasticFreeDanube (SK-AT) and DREAM SK-AT (SK-AT) / SEDDON II (AT-HU) / SEDECO (AT-CZ). Participants visiting project tables were thus given a unique opportunity to get a quick insight into the variety of challenges jointly addressed by Hungarian, Austrian, Slovak and Czech partners. The quiz-pass created for the World Café was also very popular with visitors. More information on the projects can be found in this brochure.
World Café’s results were shortly summarized for the public by reporters of the project tables from their very personal perspectives. As a finale, attendees had the opportunity to visit MAK’s exhibition "Post Otto Wagner, from the postal savings bank to post-modernism", supported in an Interreg AT-CZ project.