Interreg AT-HU 2021-2027
Interreg Austria-Hungary: The green corridor between Western and Eastern Europe
What is the Interreg Austria-Hungary programme?
The Interreg Austria-Hungary cooperation programme covers Nordburgenland, Mittelburgenland and Südburgenland, Niederösterreich Süd and Wiener Umland/Südteil, Wien, Graz and Oststeiermark as well as Győr-Moson-Sopron, Vas and Zala and impacts the life of approximately 4.5 million citizens.
The programme has to tackle ecological, economic and demographic challenges, in which substantial experience is gathered since the late ’90s. The region’s needs were assessed and resulted in 4 elaborated priorities to support targeted project development with a strong focus on the real needs of the border region. We would like to capitalise on the key learning of previous funding periods, which cannot be done without the willingness of our project holders.
Why us?
With our more than 20 years of experience in regional development, we can give our applicants and beneficiaries the support they need during the whole project lifecycle.We made great efforts to develop an applicant portal which consists of a thorough set of guidelines with differentiated manuals, factsheets and tutorials to supplement the personal advisory system of Regional Coordinators and the Joint Secretariat. We are working with a budget of 61 951 500 EUR which shall be used for powerful projects which are ready to make a positive impact.
What kind of projects are supported?
The period 2021-2027 offers grants for standard and small-scale projects depending on their budget. The introduction of small-scale projects will allow us to maintain our support to standard projects and at the same time support smaller projects with less administrative burden within a predefined financial range of 25 000 EUR to 200 000 EUR. The maximum ERDF funding of a project is 80% of the total project budget.
The programme in numbers

Related documents:
Documents of the Monitoring Committee
- List of members
- Rules of procedures
- Summaries
Info for applicants