SO31 Transport infrastruktur
Improving cross-border connectivity of regional centres to the TEN-T network
All actions supported within the specific objective SO31 of priority axis 3 shall contribute to a better connection of regional centres to the TEN-T network. Building and completing missing elements in the cross-border road and rail network lead to shorter and faster connections within the region. In the southern part of the programme area accessibility levels shall be improved, whereas in the northern part it is sought to increase capacity of the existing cross-border transport system.
Possible are road infrastructure projects which concentrate on connections that link municipalities on both sides of the border with each other and thus aim at the improvement of the regional road network. Increased permeability of the border will not only lead to shorter and faster connections between the municipalities directly affected by the investments, but the whole region will benefit from travel-time savings and the associated socio-economic and environmental improvements.
Possible are rail infrastructure projects which address the existing bottlenecks in the regional cross-border rail network. By electrifying missing sections, upgrading and technical improvements of rail tracks as well as increasing railway safety, the performance, operating efficiency, capacity, safety and reliability of the cross-border rail services will be improved. This will lead to more direct connections, shorter travel times and more convenience for the passengers.
Examples of actions eligible under specific objective SO31 are:
1. Investments in constructing missing border-crossing elements of road/rail links for a better connection of the tertiary nodes to the TEN-T network
2. Investments in reconstructing or upgrading missing border-crossing elements of road/rail links for a better connection the tertiary nodes to the TEN-T network
3. Investments in upgrading and technical improvements of the cross-border rail network
4. Pre-investment studies for rail/road infrastructure investments