Call for applications: we are in the home stretch!
As you have become accustomed to it throughout the programming process, we will continue to provide you with the latest information at the front of the call for proposals. Say goodbye to the 2021-2027 menu you knew (programming is in the past), and prepare for brand-new content!
What can I find in this new section?
Long story short: Everything, but let’s elaborate on it.
Programme information
First, we will take care of sharing fundamental information on programme priorities, specific objectives, and indicative actions. These are non-negotiable, compliance with these is inevitable. We took special attention to making it look chic, but most of all easy to navigate and comprehend. Also, the whole Interreg Programme document is available in a downloadable format.
Applicant portal
Find all application-related information in one place. When the time is right, and all parts of our Programme Manual are ready, the call is ready to open, an applicant portal will also be available. There are still a few weeks of dedicated work ahead of us to be able to do so, which means project holders have some extra time to brush up on their projects.
Meet the Regional Coordinators. They are the first point of information right after you decide that your valuable project idea would be a great fit for our Programme. Most probably all projects in a rather mature phase got the Regional Coordinators’ bits of advice. If not, the Regional Coordinators’ contact is also available from this new section. Should you be in an earlier phase of project development, download the “Project idea template” and boost your project development meetings!
Calls for applications
The most wanted information at this point. We are not there yet, but we are working hard on opening the first call for applications as soon as possible.
Our handbooks cannot be replaced, their deep understanding is essential from the very beginning of project development to the end of project implementation. However, we have produced factsheets on such topics that can be introduced in a one or two-pager, but their content does not contain exhaustive information on each topic. These topics so far are the specific objectives, output and result indicators, indicative actions, main aims, type of partners and main target groups and many more will follow.
Video tutorials will also be prepared to introduce our new monitoring system, Jems. The most important features of Jems will be shown such as how to sign up/register, how to record data, how to report, and even more.
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