Interreg ornament
Interreg ornament

Furniture industry innovation workshop series – third workshop


Place: HTL Mödling, (Mödling, Technikerstraße 1-5)

Date: 27th April 2018



9:00 – 9:15 Arrival, registration

9:15 – 9:30 Greeting

9:30 – 11:00 Defining and finalizing the ideas raised

11:00 – 11:15 Coffee break

11:15 – 12:30 Defining and finalizing the ideas raised

12:30 – 13:15 Lunch

13:15 – 15:00 Conclusion, vision, operationalized vision - raising the problem of demanded functionality and design

15:00 – 15:15 Coffee break

15:15 – 17:00 Conclusion, vision, operationalized vision - raising the problem of demanded functionality and design

17:00 – 17:15 Summary


Harald Hrdlicka, CEO of HTL Mödling welcomed the participants and briefly introduced the school. Balázs Lenkei said that the purpose of the workshops series, of which it was the third, closing workshop, was that the students, lecturers and entrepreneurs increase their knowledge of the furniture industry environment in the field of furniture, and outline ideas for the furniture industry at the level of functionality, design and vision. He outlined the product development directions identified in the situation analysis phase, among which the participants can choose from: senior furniture, fitness furniture, children's furniture, space-saving furniture, furniture for disadvantaged people, smart furniture, multifunctional furniture, outdoor public furniture (mainly acacia), eco furniture, home office.

Dr. György Horváth informed the participants of the latest research and results on the furniture market environment. He highlighted the experiences gathered the study trip to the Milan Furniture fair last year. In connection with the latter, the entrepreneurs of this workshop, who attended the study trip enriched with further comments on the already mentioned study trip. He was particularly attentive to the report and the contributions of the young, emerging designers, as well as the Fourisalone (a series of exhibitions covering several districts outside Milan), where new wave representatives could introduce themselves.

After the coffee break, the general consumer trends of the previous workshops and additional information were presented to the audience by Szabolcs Németh, the Innowood ATHU59 project manager. Similarly to the workshops held so far, many of them were interested in their future effects, their expected development and the identification of new trends. In addition, the general consumer trends, the effects of the furniture industry and the furniture market were discussed by the stakeholders.

After lunch the joint thinking and creating work of the Austrian students and entrepreneurs began. During the brainstorming based on the morning lectures and the outcomes of earlier workshops each groups discussed the problems to be solved along different lines of development. Then they found the possible answers to those problems and later on the potentially relevant products.

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