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Interreg ornament

Recommendation for the forest propagating material management strategy


Recommendation for the forest propagating material management strategy

At the request of the Lead Partner, the Hungarian and Austrian professional partners prepared a recommendation for the strategy prepared by them.
The SOE ERTI issued its recommendation on 27 September 2021:

“A forest propagating material management strategy has been prepared for the Austro-Hungarian border region

Climate change and adaptation to its consequences are among the most serious and discussed topics of our time. The negative effects of climate change are already visible today; a significant part of the massive forest damage in Western Hungary over the past few decades can be traced back to climatic causes. As the rate of change is unprecedented, it is questionable whether forest ecosystems and the species that make them up will be able to adapt naturally to change? Adaptation to changing environmental conditions can be facilitated by planned, conscious human intervention, thereby providing an opportunity to mitigate some of the damage caused by climate change.

The conservation and rational use of unprecedentedly high genetic diversity of tree species, - which forms the basis for the adaptability at the species level -, is decisive importance for forest management that works with long-lived and cross-generational tree species and for forest protection management. Within the framework of the REIN-Forest project, which helps to maintain the stability of forests growing in the border area, we have developed a bilateral strategy that summarizes the regulations on the production, distribution and use of forest reproductive material, assesses the future situation of beech and sessile oak stands in the Austro-Hungarian border area and makes recommendations in connection with the management and trade of forest reproductive material."

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