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Interreg ornament

1. school trip about forest knowledge – October 13, 2021


1. school trip about forest knowledge – October 13, 2021

The Vas County Government Office organized two school trips about forest knowledge for primary school students. On October 13, two sixth grades of the János Bolyai Training Primary School and Grammar School of ELTE were able to visit Őrség, where they were received by the staff of the “Harmatfű” Nature School belonging to the Őrség National Park Directorate.
The program took place from the Őrség Folk Monument Ensemble through the forests along the Iron Curtain to the “Határkőpark” (Borderstone park). The experts presented in an interactive form the forest areas affected by the tour, their wildlife and the work of the National Park related to their protection. The young people involved took an interested, active part in the conversation, often asking questions to the professionals themselves. Many had extensive knowledge of nature, but even they heard much new information. At the resting place at the “Határkőpark” (Borderstone park), the young people had lunch and then took part in two groups, one after the other, in a playful session held by the professionals using the tools of non-formal pedagogy. The theme of one of the sessions was built around the recognition of plants (leaves and fruits of tree species) learned during the trip. The other session showed young people in a playful way the proportions of the number of animals, the size of the habitat and the amount of food, and what happens if these proportions are overturned.
During the trip, the children's knowledge was enriched with many new, exciting elements of experience and knowledge.

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