Interreg ornament
wine economy at-hu

Project budget and financing

In total, the project has a budget of € 466.006,4 The project is co-financed with 85% ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) and with 15 % national contribution. The following national institutions are supporting the project beside the European Commission:

PartnerERDFAutomatic (national) financial contributionOther public funding contributionPrivate financial contributionFinancing contributions TotalTOTAL
Naturpark in der Weinidylle € 204 752,22€ 0,00€ 36 132,75€ 0,00€ 36 132,75€ 240 884,97
Vasi Hegyhát-Rábamente Közhasznú Turisztikai Egyesület € 95 613,03€ 11 248,59€ 0,00€ 5 624,30€ 16 872,89€ 112 485,92
Hegypásztor Kör € 95 740,17€ 11 263,55€ 0,00€ 5 631,78€ 16 895,33€ 112 635,50
Total € 396 105,42€ 22 512,14€ 36 132,75€ 11 256,08€ 69 900,97€ 466 006,39

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