Interreg ornament

Project budget and financing

The project ID number ATHU166, entitled "Eduwood - Bilaterias wooden architecture and furniture industry educational development", is supported by the European Union, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, on the fourth priority of the Interreg V-A Austria-Hungary program, "Improving institutional capacity and effective public administration (TO11)". will be realized within December 2022, with a budget of only 327 440,10 euros.

In total, the project has a budget of  327 440,10. The project is co-financed with 85% ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) and with 15% national contribution.


The following national institution is supporting the project beside the European Commission:

  • Hungarian Government


 ERDFNational contribution
Faipari Tudományos Alapítvány /Sopron  € 175 070,33  € 20 596,11
IITF Institut für Innovations- und Trendforschung /Graz  € 103 253,75  € 0,00
Total  € 278 324,08  € 20 596,11

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