Interreg ornament

Project budget and financing

In total, the project has a budget of € 736 548,88. The project is co-financed with 85% ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) and with 15% Hungarian national contribution. The project is supported by Vetmeduni Vienna.


Summary of the project budget


PartnerProgramme co-financingPublic contributionTotal budget
ERDF ERDF rateAutomatic (national)Other (Univ. of Veterinary Medicine Vienna)Contribution rate
Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences€ 10 906,3485,00%€ 1 924,65€ 0,0015,00%€ 12 830,99
University of Pannonia€ 268 727,585,00%€ 47 422,5€ 0,0015,00%€ 316 150,00
University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna€ 346 432,785,00%€ 0,00€ 61 135,1915,00%€ 407 567,89
Total€ 626 066,54-€ 49 347,15 € 61 135,19-€ 736 548,88



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